Sunday, May 30, 2010


Don't we all have those projects that we started with such enthusism, but they were not completed before the next oppotunity came along to attend another class? And the poor forgotten task was left, semi disclarded, like an old doll that has been superceeded by a new present. But then it is rediscovered at the bottom of the toy/work box, and the thought of finishing it takes over.
I made one quilt of this pattern... the blue on the left...throughly enjoyed making it and started another one. We have refound each other. It is a delightful hand sewn pattern that involves fussy cutting circles, turning them inward with batting and a focus material, stitching then down and then stitching rows togther. I was taught it at a class at NZ Symposium years ago and never regretted the experience. Oh yes... UFOs.. Un Finished Objects.
Must go and do some more stitching therapy.

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